Mermaid, Beautiful Creature from the Sea

Posted by: Yayang Juniarta


This world hold thousands mystery that remain unknown. One of it is the existence of mermaid, a half woman, half fish creature. Mermaid is well kniwn as the main character of one of the famous Disney fairy tale. But the story of mermaid itself could be found from many literature from many years ago. The question is, is mermaid even exist?

Mermaid is a creature that has a form of hal woman from waist up and fish from waist down. ‘Mere’ means sea in the old english and maid means girl. So, mermaid is a term for woman and the man is called Merman.

Maybe the myth from Assyria is the one that leading to the story of mermaid nowadays. In the story, there was a goddess named Atargatis that fall in love with a shepherd, but she accidently killed him.

She was so sad, then she tried to suicide and jump to a lake to take a form of a fish. But the lake refuse to hide her beauty. That’s why it change her into a fish just from waist down.

Scientist believe that mermaif isn’t real. There are some of the water creature that maybe make the people mistaken it as mermaid. They are dugong and manatee. Some poses of these creature could be mistaken as mermaid.


Easy prey ... dugong.,0.jpg

But is it a bit odd to say they are the one that mistaken as mermaid when physically they look different?

There are many stroies about people who claimed they have ever seen mermaid. One of the story is the the story from John Smith, a famous adventurer. He confessed he had seen mermaid. He said mermaid has a beautiful face, round eyes, pointed nose and beautiful long, green hair. He said it’s really beautiful.

So, is there a possibility that mermaid exist?

Credit: enigma


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