Mystery of Masalembo Triangle, Bermuda Triangle of Indonesia

By Andrea Putri Karina


You must have heard about the most well-known triangle, Bermuda Triangle thas also called Satan’s Triangle that well-known by  the issue of the paranormal in the area stating the reason for the loss of ships passing events. Others say that it is a natural phenomenon that should not be crossing the region. Some are even saying that it was all due to act of extraterrestrials. But, do you know that we have the same triangle like Bermuda Triangle? Yes, that is Masalembo Triangle that’s located between Bawean Island, Majene City, and Tengah Islands.  

As Bermuda Triangle, there are also common sea and air traffic accidents. First, sea traffic accident that befell Senopati Nusantara ship on December 29, 2006. Then on January 1, 2007 airplane crash of Adam Air flight 574 with tail number PK-KKW. According to the testimony of several people who can pass through the triangle (apparently not all endless accidents) both from sea and air, they say seeing strange apparitions, such as large birds,  and large sea snakes. People also hear some voice that ask for help. But untill now, there’s any scientific explanation about the reason of all accidents in the triangle. Hmm, wanna try to fly through the triangle to prove the myth by yourself?

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